Peugeot 3008

About the company: Peugeot is a famous brand of a French car manufacturer.


1. To raise the recognition of the new Peugeot 3008 model.

2. To involve the target audience into test drives of the new model through a Facebook lead form.


  • 130 applications for a test drive.
  • 60 people participated in the test drive.
  • 12 cars have been sold.

Realization: After the Peugeot 3008 model entered the market, the official importer decided to launch a large-scale advertising campaign in Ukraine. The campaign’s objective was to put the emphasis on the car’s unique design.

We took upon ourselves the organization of the campaign, taking into account the fact that the main target audience was young people and new families.

Furthermore, we held an additional advertising campaign for gathering applications for loans and test drives.

Oleksandr Lipovetsky
The team's approach with the ads for the new Peugeot 3008 was exquisite, we’ve done a lot of test drives for future clientele, thank you!

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